IJIET 2023 Vol.13(5): 801-805
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.5.1870
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.5.1870
A Study on the Assessment of the Proposed Alitaptap Learning Management System Using SWOT Analysis
Grace Lorraine Intal*, Angelo Luisse S. Gonzales, Luis Angelo R. Pono, and Joseph Rex M. Pastrana
Manuscript received May 23, 2022; revised July 13, 2022; accepted September 14, 2022.
Abstract—Most of the existing learning management systems
(LMS) are designed and give students a steeper learning curve
meaning, taking so much of their time in learning the system, or
it would be their parents who would navigate the system for
them. To address this issue, the researchers proposed Alitaptap,
a learning management system (LMS) specially designed for
kids at the preschool and elementary levels. It provides a
child-friendly user interface, utilizing colors that would not only
be attractive to them but also direct them to the right buttons. It
would also utilize icons and images that would entice the user
group to use the application more. It also has the functionality
to download all the necessary files, presentations, and tasks for
the week for the users to be able to do their tasks offline. This
study tackles the use of SWOT analysis to be able to assess the
Alitaptap app and identify its different strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. A questionnaire utilizing the six
thinking hats strategy was utilized and distributed to different
respondents and after the responses, a SWOT analysis was
conducted followed by a TOWS Matrix to identify the state of
the app. Overall, the Alitaptap app is a great potential product
in the learning management system category aimed toward
Index Terms—Learning management system, SWOT analysis, six thinking hats
The authors are with the Mapua University, Philippines (e-mail: gldintal@mapua.edu.ph).
*Correspondence: gldintal@mapua.edu.ph (G.L.I.)
Index Terms—Learning management system, SWOT analysis, six thinking hats
The authors are with the Mapua University, Philippines (e-mail: gldintal@mapua.edu.ph).
*Correspondence: gldintal@mapua.edu.ph (G.L.I.)
Cite: Grace Lorraine Intal*, Angelo Luisse S. Gonzales, Luis Angelo R. Pono, and Joseph Rex M. Pastrana, "A Study on the Assessment of the Proposed Alitaptap Learning Management System Using SWOT Analysis," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 801-805, 2023.
Copyright © 2023 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).