International Journal of
Information and Education Technology

Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Jon-Chao Hong
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)

IJIET 2023 Vol.13(4): 650-657
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.4.1849

Teacher Recommendations for Writing Programs in Japanese Universities

Robert W. Long III* and Hiroaki Watanabe

Manuscript received April 15, 2022; revised May 3, 2022; accepted May 26, 2022.

Abstract—This paper investigated the recommendations from six EFL (English as a foreign language) teachers about improving EFL writing courses in Japan. The study focused on any commonalities among the responses concerning three themes: (1) describing the general writing curriculum, (2) modifications in meeting student needs, and (3) identifying innovative approaches. Answers also differed in how teachers assessed the quality of their composition curriculum, with some expressing doubts about the rubrics to evaluate students' papers. Some instructors focused on academic writing, and others emphasized writing emails and business and technical reports. Regarding the second theme, teachers urgently agreed on the need to improve vocabulary, particularly concerning basic knowledge of collocation and grammar. Instructors regarded their organizations as capable of meeting the demand of advanced students with abundant academic writing resources; nonetheless, the advanced students needed the assistance of a trained tutor to improve their writing. Teachers responded to the third question in various ways, with the analytic method, a guided group writing approach, online writing software, a process approach, and online grammar checkers. Instructors implemented roleplay and other writing activities to gain students’ interest. Some teachers had innovative ideas, but they faced constraints from their universities or their students’ proficiencies. This data clearly shows varied methods among these universities and that learners continue to require assistance with formatting and essential writing functions.

Index Terms—EFL, English writing, Japanese student, writing programs

The authors are with the Foreign Language Department, Institute of Liberal Arts, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan.
*Correspondence: (R.W.L.)


Cite: Robert W. Long III* and Hiroaki Watanabe, "Teacher Recommendations for Writing Programs in Japanese Universities," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 650-657, 2023.

Copyright © 2023 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).