IJIET 2022 Vol.12(10): 1085-1089 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2022.12.10.1724
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2022.12.10.1724
Digital Competence of Lecturers at the Universities of Education: In the Context of Education Digital Transformation Vietnam
Tuong Sy Hoang, My Loc Thi Nguyen, Long Ngoc Pham, Thanh Huyen Thi Nguyen, and Loan Thi Nguyen
Abstract—This study aims to assess the digital proficiency of
lecturers as well as the experiences and practices of digital
technology in the teaching process in Vietnam Universities of
Education. In this study, qualitative and quantitative survey
methods were used. The study was conducted with 320 lecturers,
150 managers, training experts, and leaders at the top three
Universities of Education in Vietnam. In the study, the digital
competency questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. It
is built based on the digital competence framework (DigComp
2.1 model), The European Framework for the Digital
Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu), DigComp SAT.
After the analysis and evaluation processes of the results, it is
stated that the digital competence of lecturers at pedagogical
schools in Vietnam is about the average and it varies by genders,
academic degrees and awareness levels of digital capabilities.
The results will help the leaders understand the needs,
information about digital capabilities and things to focus on
training so that lecturers at Vietnam pedagogical schools can
meet these requirements.
Index Terms—Digital competence, education, universities of education, digital skills.
Tuong Sy Hoang is with the Academy of Cryptography Techniques, Vietnam (e-mail: hoangsytuong@actvn.edu.vn).
My Loc Thi Nguyen is with the University of Education, Vietnam National University, Ha noi, Vietnam (e-mail: locntm@vnu.edu.vn).
Long Ngoc Pham and Loan Thi Nguyen are with the National of Institute Educational Management, Vietnam (e-mail: longpn@niem.edu.vn, loanhvq89@gmail.com).
Thanh Huyen Thi Nguyen is with the University of Education, Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam (e-mail: thanhhuyen191177@dhsptn.edu.vn).
Index Terms—Digital competence, education, universities of education, digital skills.
Tuong Sy Hoang is with the Academy of Cryptography Techniques, Vietnam (e-mail: hoangsytuong@actvn.edu.vn).
My Loc Thi Nguyen is with the University of Education, Vietnam National University, Ha noi, Vietnam (e-mail: locntm@vnu.edu.vn).
Long Ngoc Pham and Loan Thi Nguyen are with the National of Institute Educational Management, Vietnam (e-mail: longpn@niem.edu.vn, loanhvq89@gmail.com).
Thanh Huyen Thi Nguyen is with the University of Education, Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam (e-mail: thanhhuyen191177@dhsptn.edu.vn).
Cite: Tuong Sy Hoang, My Loc Thi Nguyen, Long Ngoc Pham, Thanh Huyen Thi Nguyen, and Loan Thi Nguyen, "Digital Competence of Lecturers at the Universities of Education: In the Context of Education Digital Transformation Vietnam," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 1085-1089, 2022.
Copyright © 2022 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).