Abstract—This study investigates factors influencing
satisfaction and deep structure usage of Learning Management
Systems (LMS) using a revised expectation-confirmation model
of information system continuance. It addresses the gaps in the
existing literature that primarily focused on behavioral
intention in the acceptance stage instead of deep structure usage
in the post-acceptance stage.
Deep structure usage refers to using LMS features to support
an underlying teaching task. The study population consists of 54
lecturers in Malaysian private universities in the
post-acceptance stage of LMS implementation. Data was
gathered using a web-based survey questionnaire. Various
variables were analyzed through statistical correlation and
regression using a statistical package for social science software.
This study concludes that confirmation of expectation and
perceived usefulness positively impacted satisfaction;
confirmation of expectation was the strongest predictor of
satisfaction. Additionally, the combined effects of satisfaction,
confirmation of expectation, and perceived usefulness positively
correlated with deep structure usage of LMS. This study
investigates whether lecturers would use the system to its full
capacity if they found the LMS features useful to a specific
teaching task and if the system provides satisfaction and fulfills
the lecturers’ expectations. Future research recommends
extending the model to investigate determinants of satisfaction
and confirmation of expectations of specific LMS features in
terms of technical, design, capability, and experiential aspects.
This extension would enable a more detailed understanding of
aspects that determine satisfaction and confirmation of
expectation, directly influencing deep structure usage.
Index Terms—Deep structure usage, learning management
system, perceived usefulness, satisfaction.
Priya Nair is with Swiss School of Management (International Institute of
Applied Science), Rome (e-mail: priya.mohannair@gmail.com).
Cite: Priya Nair, "Determinants of Satisfaction and Deep Structure Usage of Post-acceptance Learning Management Systems by Malaysian Higher Education Lecturers," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 599-608, 2022.
Copyright © 2022 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).