IJIET 2022 Vol.12(6): 578-582 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2022.12.6.1656
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2022.12.6.1656
Technology Enhanced Learning and Student Academic Performance at a Public University in Peru
Maritza Arones, Olga M. Curro-Urbano, Carmen Luisa Chauca Saavedra, and Ynés Phun-Pat
Abstract—The adaptation of the teaching-learning process to
virtuality, supported by the use of the academic platform in
order to continue with educational activities, has gradually
improved and has been reflected in the student's academic
performance. The objective of the research was to analyze the
learning strategies used by university students during the
learning process enhanced by technology, to identify those used
most frequently, as well as the relationships they have with the
grade point average obtained in their academic performance.
The study group was represented by a sample of 486 students
from four academic programs of the Public University of Peru
(Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga). It was a mixed-focus
study that worked with the ACRA-Abridged questionnaire that
was virtually delivered to the student to collect the strategies
used for their virtual learning. It is concluded that, despite
various problems related to connectivity, they are always
motivated to successfully achieve learning, likewise, the training
process of the platform's digital tools must continue, as well as
guiding the student in their learning virtual.
Index Terms—Digital literacy, digital tools, study habit, virtual teaching.
The authors are with Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, Peru (e-mail: marones@unica.edu.pe, ocurro@unica.edu.pe, carmen.chauca@unica.edu.pe, yphun@unica.edu.pe).
Index Terms—Digital literacy, digital tools, study habit, virtual teaching.
The authors are with Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, Peru (e-mail: marones@unica.edu.pe, ocurro@unica.edu.pe, carmen.chauca@unica.edu.pe, yphun@unica.edu.pe).
Cite: Maritza Arones, Olga M. Curro-Urbano, Carmen Luisa Chauca Saavedra, and Ynés Phun-Pat, "Technology Enhanced Learning and Student Academic Performance at a Public University in Peru," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 578-582, 2022.
Copyright © 2022 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).