IJIET 2022 Vol.12(5): 406-413 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2022.12.5.1634
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2022.12.5.1634
The Attitudes of MTUN Students towards m-Learning Usage during COVID-19 Pandemic
Reyanhealme Rohanai, Muhammad Fazrulhelmi Ahmad, Mohd Rustam Mohd Rameli, Wan Azrul Shafuan Wan Hassan, and Norathirah Nabila Abd Mutalib
Abstract—Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is an online
Teaching and Learning (T&L) method that has been
implemented to all educational institutions in Malaysia to curb
the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is
to identify the attitude level of Malaysian Technical University
Network (MTUN) students towards the Mobile Learning
(M-learning) usage in ODL methods during the COVID-19
pandemic situation. The total number of respondents involved
was 481 engineering students from four MTUN institutions. The
study design used is quantitative which uses a questionnaire as a
research instrument. The questionnaire used measures three
elements of students' attitudes in the aspect of affective,
behavior and cognitive towards M-learning implementation.
Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics involving the
use of mean and standard deviation while inferential statistics
involved One-way ANOVA analysis. Result shows that attitudes
level of MTUN students towards M-learning was at moderate
level for two (2) aspects of affective and cognitive while the
behavior aspect was rated at high level. Meanwhile, the result of
one-way ANOVA showed no significant difference between the
attitudes of student towards ODL across year of studies.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the students of MTUN
institutions had positive attitudes towards the implementation
of M-learning with year of study in the university does not have
influence on student’s attitude towards M-learning
environment. It is advisable that the use of M-learning in the
future needs to be enriched with the features of 21st century
learning as to enhance students learning experiences.
Index Terms—Open and distance learning (ODL), m-learning, attitude, MTUN students.
Reyanhealme Rohanai, Muhammad Fazrulhelmi Ahmad, Wan Azrul Shafuan Wan Hassan, and Norathirah Nabila Abd Mutalib are with Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia (e-mail: reyan@uthm.edu.my, muhdfazrulhelmi@gmail.com, wanazrulshafuan@gmail.com, athirah.abdmutalib@gmail.com).
Mohd Rustam Mohd Rameli is with the School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanitites, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia (e-mail: mrustam2@utm.my).
Index Terms—Open and distance learning (ODL), m-learning, attitude, MTUN students.
Reyanhealme Rohanai, Muhammad Fazrulhelmi Ahmad, Wan Azrul Shafuan Wan Hassan, and Norathirah Nabila Abd Mutalib are with Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia (e-mail: reyan@uthm.edu.my, muhdfazrulhelmi@gmail.com, wanazrulshafuan@gmail.com, athirah.abdmutalib@gmail.com).
Mohd Rustam Mohd Rameli is with the School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanitites, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia (e-mail: mrustam2@utm.my).
Cite: Reyanhealme Rohanai, Muhammad Fazrulhelmi Ahmad, Mohd Rustam Mohd Rameli, Wan Azrul Shafuan Wan Hassan, and Norathirah Nabila Abd Mutalib, "The Attitudes of MTUN Students towards m-Learning Usage during COVID-19 Pandemic," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 406-413, 2022.
Copyright © 2022 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).