IJIET 2022 Vol.12(1): 15-20 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2022.12.1.1581
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2022.12.1.1581
CrossQuestion Game: A Design of a Group-Based Assessment Tool to Enhance Student Motivation during Pandemic
Usman Durrani, Roba Alnajjar, Abdulrahman Al Muaitah, Abdulwahab Daqaq, Abdulrahman Salah, and Reem Zeyad
Abstract—This paper explores the effect of applying
gamification and flipped classroom approaches through our
group-based assessment game, the CrossQuestion, in the course
of IT in Business. The course teaches basic IT fundamentals and
their application in different functional areas of business and
management. In Spring 2020-21, we delivered this course
through Moodle platform, integrated with the Zoom video
communication tool, to introduce the CrossQuestion game as
supplemental resources to engage students. We conducted
measurements using the Instructional Materials Motivation
Survey scales to verify the game's learning effect. We divided
students into an experimental group (85 students who played
the CrossQuestion game through gamified flipped classroom
session–Spring 2020-21) and a control group (60 students who
previously underwent lecture-based instructions and
individualized formal assessments–Spring 2019-20). The
analysis of students’ grades confirms improvement by applying
gamified flipped classroom group-based assessments in the
learning process. The students’ questionnaire also confirms that
group-based assessments can improve students’ motivation. We
developed a game system that was attractive to the students,
implying that it can be an effective instructional and
recreational material to boost morale, increase collaboration,
enhance engagement and socialization opportunities, especially
during this challenging pandemic.
Index Terms—Educational game, flipped classroom, gamification, student motivation, ARCS model, instructional materials motivation survey.
The authors are with Ajman University, United Arab Emirates (e-mail: dr.udurrani@gmail.com, r.alnajjar@ajman.ac.ae, a.almuaitah@ajman.ac.ae, 201810703@ajmanuni.ac.ae, 201810878@ajmanuni.ac.ae, 201710702@ajman.ac.ae).
Index Terms—Educational game, flipped classroom, gamification, student motivation, ARCS model, instructional materials motivation survey.
The authors are with Ajman University, United Arab Emirates (e-mail: dr.udurrani@gmail.com, r.alnajjar@ajman.ac.ae, a.almuaitah@ajman.ac.ae, 201810703@ajmanuni.ac.ae, 201810878@ajmanuni.ac.ae, 201710702@ajman.ac.ae).
Cite: Usman Durrani, Roba Alnajjar, Abdulrahman Al Muaitah, Abdulwahab Daqaq, Abdulrahman Salah, and Reem Zeyad, "CrossQuestion Game: A Design of a Group-Based Assessment Tool to Enhance Student Motivation during Pandemic," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 15-20, 2022.
Copyright © 2022 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).