IJIET 2021 Vol.11(4): 200-204 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2021.11.4.1512
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2021.11.4.1512
Disruptive Innovation in Active Activity-Based Learning Methodologies through Digital Transformation
Mario Chauca, Ynes Phun, Olga Curro, Carmen Chauca, Ramiro Yallico, and Virgilio Quispe
Abstract—This article develops the proposal of a disruptive
innovation in learning methodologies based on active activity
through digital transformation. The vertiginous changes that
have taken place a few decades ago with respect to the
advancement of knowledge and technology, encompass
educational processes. Traditional teacher-centered teaching
has led to student-centered learning, seeking to develop the
skills necessary for performance beyond the professional field.
There are tools or supports based on current knowledge that
can set trends in the educational process. The portable tool for
universities to quickly and up-to-date access to information are
digital devices, the use of which is becoming popular in
Index Terms—Innovation, methodologies, learning, transformation, digital.
Mario Chauca is with the Ricardo Palma University, Surco, and Lima. Perú (e-mail: encinas_2010@hotmail.com, mario.chauca@urp.edu.pe).
Ynes Phun, Olga Curro, Carmen Chauca, and Ramiro Yallico are with University San Luis Gonzaga, Ica, Perú (e-mail: liebre1063@gmail.com, olgacurro@yahoo.com, carmen_chauca@hotmail.com, ereyece@hotmail.com).
Virgilio Quispe is with the I.E.S.T.P. Fernando León de Vivero, Las Nieves 100, Ica 11003, Perú (e-mail: vqn64@hotmail.com).
Index Terms—Innovation, methodologies, learning, transformation, digital.
Mario Chauca is with the Ricardo Palma University, Surco, and Lima. Perú (e-mail: encinas_2010@hotmail.com, mario.chauca@urp.edu.pe).
Ynes Phun, Olga Curro, Carmen Chauca, and Ramiro Yallico are with University San Luis Gonzaga, Ica, Perú (e-mail: liebre1063@gmail.com, olgacurro@yahoo.com, carmen_chauca@hotmail.com, ereyece@hotmail.com).
Virgilio Quispe is with the I.E.S.T.P. Fernando León de Vivero, Las Nieves 100, Ica 11003, Perú (e-mail: vqn64@hotmail.com).
Cite: Mario Chauca, Ynes Phun, Olga Curro, Carmen Chauca, Ramiro Yallico, and Virgilio Quispe, "Disruptive Innovation in Active Activity-Based Learning Methodologies through Digital Transformation," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 200-204, 2021.
Copyright © 2021 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).
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