Abstract—The aim of our article is to show the importance of
the agriculture in the global life. One of the most important
challenges of the world to produce enough food for the growing
population of the Earth. The food production needs to be
increased not only because of the growth in population but also
because of the changing dietary habits. While the agriculture
tries to produce more food they have to solve several problems.
Increasing need for water, soil degradation and climate change –
these are only a few of the most important problems we are
facing right now. We have to increase the agricultural
production on less arable land – but the question is: how?
The role of education and especially the agricultural
education became much more important in this case. Prior
researches showed that for the improvement in the skills and
knowledge of the farmers and agricultural employees we have to
analyse the actual situation and challenges of the agricultural
education. To serve the needs of the precision agriculture, the
educational system have to pay attention for the changing needs
of the agricultural system.
During the reform of higher education and the agricultural
higher education the most actual developments have to be
included in the curricula. The labour market wants the higher
education to offer actual knowledge for the students and for
professionals as well during formal, informal and non-formal
education as well. As the technology used by agriculture is
continuously developing the employees and the farmers need
different courses as parts of the lifelong learning systems.
Index Terms—Agriculture, Bologna process, development,
higher education.
P. M. Kőmíves, N. Novák, and A. Sz are with the University of Debrecen,
Faculty of Economics and Business, Debrecen, H-4032, Hungary (e-mail:
komives.peter.mikos@econ.unideb.hu, novak.norbert@econ.unideb.hu,
P. Pilishegyi and P. Körösparti are with the University of Debrecen,
Centre of Student Services and Relations, Debrecen, H-4032, Hungary
(e-mail: ppilishe@gmail.com, pkorosp@gmail.com).
Cite: Péter Miklós Kőmíves, Péter Pilishegyi, Norbert Novák, Adrián Szilárd Nagy, and Péter Körösparti, "The Role of the Higher Education in the Development of the Agriculture," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 607-612, 2019.
Copyright © 2019 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).