IJIET 2019 Vol.9(8): 535-538 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2019.9.8.1261
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2019.9.8.1261
A System for Discovery of Knowledge in Data Repository Education
Emerson de Sousa Costa, Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias, and Patrícia Mascarenhas Dias
Abstract—Studies on scientific production date have received
attention from Researchers in various fields to gain insight into
the evolution of research in general. Such studies enable the
analysis of scientific production for various purposes and one of
the challenges in this type of analysis lies in the diversity of
repositories containing data in different formats and structures.
Currently, Bibliometric and scientometric Analyzes are the
Characterized the main scientific analysis techniques on the
production of a set of Researchers. These Analyzes aim to carry
out the measurement of scientific communication, including the
study of sciences to identify its structure, evolution and
connections. The proposal of this project is to Develop an
information system to perform scientificometric Analyzes of sets
of Individuals, having as a source of data repositories of
scientific publications. As a case study will be Analyzed the
Brazilian Researchers who have acted in the Interdisciplinary
area in Brazil. These Analyzes intend to present an overview of
the area under study in Brazil, having the main source of data
for the Analyzes, date of scientific publications of this set,
extracted from its curricula of the Lattes Platform. Therefore, it
will be possible to identify the profile of These Researchers,
where They are acting, how the collaboration between Them
Occurs, and Also, the qualitative analysis of Their research,
Thus enabling the accomplishment of Analyzes comparative
with the different areas of knowledge. After validation with the
case study carried out Several other sets of Individuals Can Be
Index Terms—Bibliometric, scientific collaboration, lattes platform, scientific collaboration network.
The authors are with Centro Federal de EducaçãoTecnológica de Minas Gerais – CEFET-MG, Brazil (e-mail: emerson@cefetmg.br, thiagomagela@cefetmg.br, patriciamdias@gmail.com).
Index Terms—Bibliometric, scientific collaboration, lattes platform, scientific collaboration network.
The authors are with Centro Federal de EducaçãoTecnológica de Minas Gerais – CEFET-MG, Brazil (e-mail: emerson@cefetmg.br, thiagomagela@cefetmg.br, patriciamdias@gmail.com).
Cite: Emerson de Sousa Costa, Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias, and Patrícia Mascarenhas Dias, "A System for Discovery of Knowledge in Data Repository Education," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 535-538, 2019.
Copyright © 2019 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).