Home > Archive > 2019 > Volume 9 Number 5 (May 2019) >
IJIET 2019 Vol.9(5): 366-369 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2019.9.5.1228

Study of Learning Effects of Agricultural Mechatronics Modular-Course on Thematic Practice

Chih-Ho Nien, Yu-I Wang, Hung-Yi Lin, and Chin-Wen Liao

Abstract—This study aimed to review the effects on skill-based agricultural senior high school students’ learning after agricultural mechatronics modular-course was applied to their thematic practice. Statistical data were collected by employing test papers. Paired sample t-test was adopted to draw a comparison between precourse learning effects and postcourse learning effects. Analysis results indicated that there is significant difference in 40 skill-based senior high school students’ learning effects after those students took the modular-course. It appears that agricultural mechatronics modular-course has a positive effect on students’ learning and unit course “applications of sensor in agriculture” is popular with students.

Index Terms—Mechatronics, thematic practice, learning effect.

The authors are with the National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan (e-mail: sriver0217@hotmail.com).


Cite: Chih-Ho Nien, Yu-I Wang, Hung-Yi Lin, and Chin-Wen Liao, "Study of Learning Effects of Agricultural Mechatronics Modular-Course on Thematic Practice," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 366-369, 2019.

General Information

  • ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)
  • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Inf. Educ. Technol.
  • Frequency: Monthly
  • DOI: 10.18178/IJIET
  • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Jon-Chao Hong
  • Managing Editor: Ms. Nancy Y. Liu
  • E-mail: editor@ijiet.org
  • Abstracting/ Indexing: Scopus (CiteScore 2023: 2.8), INSPEC (IET), UGC-CARE List (India), CNKI, EBSCO, Google Scholar
  • Article Processing Charge: 800 USD


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