Abstract—In this study, we plan to jointly develop historical materials of calculus by educators and inservice teachers, hoping this will facilitate its use by field teachers, and through this approach, students can better understand the concepts and development of mathematical thinking, as well as foster the students’ interest in learning and conceptual understanding. The study of history of calculus is mainly divided into three: “Connotation of Limit,” “Connotation of Derivative,” and “Segment and Integral. From the research process and results, it has been found that the developed history of calculus materials have a positive effect on the students, which also shows the feasibility of integrating the history of calculus material into the high school mathematics teaching.
Index Terms—Calculus, limit, history of mathematics.
Yi-Wen Su is with the Department of Mathematics, University of Taipei, Taiwan (e-mail: yiwen@utaipei.edu.tw).
Cite: Yi-Wen Su, "Research and Practice in Developing Historical Materials in Teaching Calculus," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 189-195, 2019.