International Journal of
Information and Education Technology

Editor-In-Chief: Dr. Denis B. Solovev
Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)
IJIET 2019 Vol.9(1): 41-45 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2019.9.1.1170

Improvement of Project Activities in University by Applying the Method of Project Management and Fundamental Competencies

Masahisa Shinoda

Abstract—A method to improve a quality of both product and process of each project in university is introduced. Special ideas and tools should be required to success projects, since students are beginners for project activities. The method of project management well known as PMBOK (Project Management Body Of Knowledge) GUIDE, that is widely used in business world, is applied to improve project activities in this study as a methodology for the processes of projects. In addition, achievement abilities are also important to proceed with projects. To satisfy this requirement, an idea of “Fundamental Competencies for Working Person” is also tried to apply in this study. Using the above method and idea, useful tools to improve the project activities and systematize a style to success the projects are described.

Index Terms—Project management, project activity in university, fundamental competency for working persons, PMBOK GUIDE, systematization.

M. Shinoda is with the Mathematics and Science Education Research Center, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Nonoichi, Ishikawa 921-8501, Japan (e-mail:


Cite: Masahisa Shinoda, "Improvement of Project Activities in University by Applying the Method of Project Management and Fundamental Competencies," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 41-45, 2019.
