International Journal of
Information and Education Technology

Editor-In-Chief: Dr. Denis B. Solovev
Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)
IJIET 2019 Vol.9(1): 16-20 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2019.9.1.1166

A Study on the Interdisciplinary Teaching Process of the Information Technology Applications on Cultural and Creative Product Design

Lu Li-Shu and Wu Pei-Fen

Abstract—In recent years, the trend of global education has been chiefly directed onto interdisciplinary talent cultivation, as well as encouraging teachers and students to enter the community field. The relationship between university education and the local community are being strengthened in order to drive more social innovation. The lifestyle in the rural areas are undergoing gradual changes and evolving, and there is strong hope to bring the vitality to the old-aged rural life where community withered. Therefore, this study takes the technical principles of the IT sensing application and the guidance of the interdisciplinary teaching, and carries out the design of the commodity development of rural culture. The overall teaching and research process is based on the view of the researcher as the educator, and through the participatory observation method and action research method to analyzed and introspected.
The practical design outcome is the "Huben Five-sense Image Poetry Collection". The development process is mainly guided by the teaching modules of designing and IT, and the cooperative learning. In this way, micro technology is applied to the design, and the image poetry collection is produced, developed and implemented accordingly. The whole process has gone through field and domain dialogues, teaching interaction, case analysis, cooperative communication, field assessment and calibration, and finally the proposal is submitted. Analytical result on teaching process of interdisciplinary collaboration design in this study aims to serve as reference for future interdisciplinary instruction or related research.

Index Terms—Information technology, rural community, cultural and creative products, interdisciplinary collaboration.

Lu Li-Shu is with the Department and Graduate School of Digital Media Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Douliou, Yunlin City, Taiwan (e-mail:
Pei-Fen Wu is with the Department of Information Management and Master Program in Digital Content Technology and Management, National Chunghua University of Education, Chunghua, Taiwan (e-mail:


Cite: Lu Li-Shu and Wu Pei-Fen, "A Study on the Interdisciplinary Teaching Process of the Information Technology Applications on Cultural and Creative Product Design," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 16-20, 2019.
