International Journal of
Information and Education Technology

Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Jon-Chao Hong
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)

IJIET 2018 Vol.8(11): 773-778 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2018.8.11.1138

Research of the University Teaching Interaction Behavior Characteristics in the Smart Classroom

Jiangbo Shu, Min Zhi, and Qianqian Hu

Abstract—Recently, the application of smart classroom has provided a place for teaching practice innovation of the front-lines teachers in higher education. Interaction is the core of smart classroom and the direct reflection of teaching effect. Exploring the characteristics of university classroom teaching interaction will play an important guiding role in improving teaching practice. Based on the existing classroom teaching interactive coding system, this paper put forward SCIAS coding system, and took starC smart classroom which is developed by Central China Normal University as research scene, selected several classroom videos of excellent teaching cases in this environment as research objects, SCIAS was utilized to analyze the class records from five aspects: the classroom teaching atmosphere, the classroom teaching structure, the teacher-student talk interaction, the student-student talk interaction, the interaction between human and technology. Findings from the research provide an indictation that university classroom atmosphere is easy and harmonious, students' subjectivity has been concerned, teacher can interact with students frequently and cooperative learning between group members is outstanding, human-machine interaction accounts for a higher proportion and the application of technology in different classes has obvious differences in the smart classroom.

Index Terms—Smart classroom, SCIAS coding system, teaching interaction.

The authors are with National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079 China (e-mail:,,


Cite: Jiangbo Shu, Min Zhi, and Qianqian Hu, "Research of the University Teaching Interaction Behavior Characteristics in the Smart Classroom," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 773-778, 2018.
