Abstract—This research was aimed to 1) study the learning
achievement from active learning management in daily
mathematics and statistic course, 2) to develop the learning
achievement toward the learning achievement standard for
higher education, and 3) to evaluate the students’ opinion who
studied via active learning management in daily mathematics
and statistic course. The 220 population was the second year
students of communication arts, Silpakorn University, who
were studying in semester 1, academic year 2015. Data was
statistically analyzed by percentage, mean, and standard
deviation. The research findings were that 1) the learning
achievement of the students in theory approach gained the
standard of curriculum, 2) the learning achievement in daily
mathematics and statistics course in overview of 5 approaches
was at the level of “high”, 3) the opinion of the students who
studied via active learning management were that the learning
management in daily mathematics and statistic course was
useful and valuable to the students. The students studied
happily, the activity was fun and not serious to learn. The
students gained knowledge and query skill, interaction with
friends and instructor. And the students were satisfied with
learning evaluation.
Index Terms—Active learning, statistics course, achievement,
learning management.
A. Ingard is with the Faculty of Information and Communication
Technology, Silpakron University, Japan (e-mail: apinya.i@hotmail.com).
Cite: Apinya Ingard, "Active Learning Management in Daily Mathematics and Statistics Course for Communication Arts Students," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 764-767, 2018.