International Journal of
Information and Education Technology

Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Jon-Chao Hong
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)

IJIET 2018 Vol.8(9): 661-667 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2018.8.9.1118

Students’ Problem Solving Ability in Non-routine Geometry Problem

Fajri Maulana and Novia Tri Yuniawati

Abstract—Problem solving is one of four abilities which has been emphasized in the 21st century. A problem type engaged to explore students’ problem solving ability is non-routine problem, particularly topic geometry. This research aims to describe students’ problem-solving. It is a descriptive study using qualitative approach. The result indicated that the high - ability subject was quite able to understand the task and look back the results. In addition, upon preparation and execution of the plan, subject was able to do well. The medium-ability subject was able to plan properly, despite quite capable of understanding the problem, carry out the plan and looking back her result. The low-ability subject figured out the problem quite well, yet during plan preparation, plan execution, and reviewed the work, subject performed adequately. It is necessary for teacher to train and familiarize the students in solving non-routine problem hence the students can experience their own mathematical process.

Index Terms—Problem solving, non-routine problem, geometry.

Fajri Maulana is with Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, 40116 Indonesia (e-mail:
N. T. Yuniawati is with MTs. Islamiyah Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi, 68453 Indonesia (e-mail:


Cite: Fajri Maulana and Novia Tri Yuniawati, "Students’ Problem Solving Ability in Non-routine Geometry Problem," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 661-667, 2018.
