IJIET 2018 Vol.8(8): 565-569 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2018.8.8.1100
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2018.8.8.1100
Examining Effectiveness of m-Learning in Hospitality Education with Revised Technology Acceptance Model
Liwei Hsu and Chia-wen Chen
Abstract—This study explored the effectiveness of using
mobile devices in the learning of hospitality subjects. Four
hundred and thirty-seven (437) high school students in a
hospitality program in Taiwan participated in this survey and
the revised technology acceptance model (TAM) was adopted as
the major research instrument. Seven research hypotheses were
posited. The results of statistical analysis indicated that
participants regarded perceived ease of use (PEU) as being
more important than perceived usefulness (PU) when
M-Learning (a combination of mobile device and e-learning) is
designed to be integrated in teaching and learning hospitality
subjects. Five of the seven research hypotheses were supported
by the structural equation model (SEM). Specifically, this study
found that the genre of courses (academic course and practical
course) did not significantly lead to either PEU or PU but it
resulted significantly in participants’ having different
behavioral intention to use (IU) M-Learning. Moreover, PEU as
well as PU were significantly related to IU. Counterintuitively,
IU has a significantly negative effect on the effectiveness of
Index Terms—Hospitality education, m-learning, revised technology acceptance model, structural equation model.
The authors are with the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (e-mail: liweihsu@mail.nkuht.edu.tw).
Index Terms—Hospitality education, m-learning, revised technology acceptance model, structural equation model.
The authors are with the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (e-mail: liweihsu@mail.nkuht.edu.tw).
Cite: Liwei Hsu and Chia-wen Chen, "Examining Effectiveness of m-Learning in Hospitality Education with Revised Technology Acceptance Model," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 565-569, 2018.